Oscar Pistorius, also known as the “Blade Runner“, is currently awaiting sentencing for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The trial surrounding Oscar Pistorius and his murder of his long time girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp has finally concluded after a long period of four months. The jury is expected to announce the news about the sentencing in a matter of just a few weeks. Reeva Steenkamp, who is a model, was shot four times and found dead inside his home in South Africa on Valentine’s Day last year.
With the exception of this murder trial incident, Oscar Pistorius is a Paralympic superstar who is best known for competing against able bodied track and field athletes in the 2012 Olympics.
For more info about Oscar Pistorius, click here.
Oscar Pistorius, also known as the “Blade Runner“, has been taken into custody for possibly murdering his girfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Reeva Steenkamp, who is a model, was shot four times and found dead inside his home in South Africa.
South Africans were shocked by the news of the killing. Oscar Pistorious is a Paralympic superstar who became famous for competing against able bodied track and field athletes in the 2012 Olympics.
For more info about Oscar Pistorious, click here.
Oscar Pistorius is a South African sprinter to watch out for in 2012. Oscar Pistorius was born on November 22, 1986 and also known as the Blade Runner. He is listed at 6′ 1″ and 177 lbs in prosthetics. Despite having double amputation of his legs, Pistorius is famous for competing in international competitions against able-bodied athletes. This track and field star athlete specializes in the men’s 100m, 200m, and 400m sprints.
Oscar Pistorius is definitely one of the 2012 Olympic athletes to watch in London, England. Oscar Pistorius, also known as the “Blade Runner“, has raised controversy by being allowed to compete against able bodied athletes in the 2012 Olympics. Pistorius will be competing in the men’s 400m at the 2012 Olympics in London.
Here is a picture of the “Blade Runner” Oscar Pistorius:
For more info about Oscar Pistorious, click here.